Emma's Closet
Emma Tank

Emma Tank


Emma V Tee

Emma V Tee


Emma Twist Tank

Emma Twist Tank


Emma Twist Tee

Emma Twist Tee


Emma V Tee - Shorter

Emma V Tee - Shorter


Emma V Twist Tee

Emma V Twist Tee


Emma Long Sleeve V Neck

Emma Long Sleeve V Neck


Top Collections

Looking for something more specific? Here is our top Collections.

Bamboo Clothing
Women's Bottoms
Women's Cardigans


Shop the look with some of our favorite products

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On the Go Jogger

On the Go Jogger


Bamboo Fleece-Lined Krye Legging

Bamboo Fleece-Lined Krye Legging


Heat It Up Bamboo Legging

Heat It Up Bamboo Legging

From $50.00 Regular price $89.99

Luxe 5” Short

Luxe 5” Short
